The History Of Country Music
Country music is defined by an assortment of music styles, most commonly related to the folk music from the middle and upper classes of America, with some notable influences from European country music. The music, often sung in praise of beautiful locations, animals, or both, is largely informal, with a loose and free feel about it, indicative of a bygone era when country music was considered trashy and lower class. The sound is somewhat jangly, with many instruments being plucked, slapping, or strummed. It also often uses repetitive chord progressions and catchy hooks, as well as the typical country guitar riffs.
Old-time country music had a distinct rhythm and tone, similar to the way that gospel and western music operates today. It was, however, distinguished by a more conversational quality and a more relaxed tone, which can be attributed to the fact that it was mostly sung by ordinary people. Many country songs were popular for their use of complex musical structures, such as the blues. In fact, the word “bluegrass” is an old term used to describe this sound. Bluegrass music is characterized by a loose, untied tone and a conversational style of singing.
Some types of country music became highly popular in early decades of the twentieth century, including the country blues, the country western, and the southern plantation and barn song. These genres helped to shape the popular imagery of America during this period. They reached their peak during the Great Depression, and many of these songs were the first country hits. They reached even greater heights after WW II, and helped to define the genre during the post-war era.
Today, many older generations still listen to some of these old country songs. Many of them are beloved by many music lovers who enjoy the pure love and beauty of country music. Country music has, thus, played a major role in American popular culture.
Many people associate western music with cowboys and the rodeo. However, many of the country songs that were created during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century were actually created by or inspired by African-Americans, who were commonly referred to as cowboys. One of the most famous songs, “Where Have All The Flowers Gone”, tells the story of how a cowboy saves a woman from a burning building. “Raining Blood” describes a violent murder scene in a western movie. Both of these songs became very popular among African-Americans and were considered good examples of American music during this time.
Many artists continue to make use of the blues in their recordings, and many of them were very popular amongst rural whites during the great depression. This was a time when country music was particularly popular among these whites, who enjoyed the pure rhythm and feel of this music. When the country music industry started to slow down during the first World War II, it was quickly brought back into shape by the addition of jazz to the genre. Jazz helped to bring back the popularity that country music had lost during the great depression.