New Wave and New Pop Music Explored
New Wave and New Pop Music Explored
New music, also called “innovation music” or “popular music,” is the flowering of new musical trends emerging in the twenty-first century. This music often borrows from the styles of other musical forms, but its spirit and structure is generally new and untapped. Creativity rules, as the saying goes, and this rule applies to the many genres of new music.
New music is essentially an expansion of the pop music tradition, and as such, represents the creative cutting and shaping of that tradition. It is characterized by a rejection of the easy, safe predictability of pop music, which often leaves listeners feeling confused and wanting for something more. This is especially true in the case of the new wave of music, which has come and gone by the wayside in the last few decades. Instead, new music tends to be highly individualistic, sometimes bizarre and at times downright bizarre. Take the punk movement for example. While there were plenty of songs that could have been considered punk rock, they were anything but predictable.
The most widely-known and certainly the most influential new music of the late 1970s was disco. That decade marked the dawn of what would later become known as the new wave music, and new wave music has since come to define the sound of today. Some would say the sound of disco music changed the entire face of popular music – and, indeed, disco did have a profound impact on the growth of rock music and pop culture as a whole. However, there are those who feel that disco’s influence still has not been fully saturated. New wave, however, is a term that is almost redundant. New music never comes and goes; it’s here to stay.
Before looking further into the origins of new music, it’s probably best to take a look back at the beginnings of classical music – and the evolution of that genre. Classical music, like all classical forms, had some sort of Corticofugal network within it. It seems that the notes that made up each note in a piece of classical music were meant to correspond with one another using electrochemical means (which is why classical music always sounds great when you’re happy and relaxing). The same theory is true for new music. What you hear when you listen to new material will come from somewhere else entirely, so to speak.
And that somewhere is the brain. The brain uses Corticofugal neurons (or neurons) for communication. When we talk, our brain actually sends messages from our lips, through our vocal chords, all the way up to our eyes to our hand. With that in mind, it’s safe to assume that the same process takes place when we talk or listen to new wave. New age music, then, would likely function the same way. It would send messages across the brain’s synapses – the connections that form the network of neurons that make up the human brain.
Of course, it’s not just the neurons that make this whole process work; it’s also the timing. A great punk song or new pop song will have the perfect beat to go with it. The same goes for new wave – sometimes it’s hard to tell exactly when a new piece of music comes along, which is why you sometimes have people claiming that a particular track is a new wave or a classic in disguise. However, if someone hears the same song played on the radio and repeats it to themselves many times, they’ll be able to tell the difference. So if you ever hear someone talking about a new wave or a new pop song, listen very carefully.