Music 1922
Music 1922
Music Nook is a new book by Rebecca Ferguson about her adventures travelling the world as a DJ. Music Nook is something of an online diary, and it’s about more than the music business. It’s a book that’s been written from the heart about living in New York City. It’s also written from the perspective of someone who used to be a successful DJ, who now finds herself single and back on her own again, after suffering a break-up with a man she really loved. What’s great about Music Nook, is that it covers all sorts of topics like travel, relationships, making money, blogging, and being a mom. It also showcases a side of djing that many people may never have the guts to write about – the financial side!
Music Nook is available on Kindle for mobiles and tablets. Each chapter is presented as a short read, with detailed explanations of what you’ll find within. There are a total of 44 different chapters, each one devoted to a specific part of life in New York City. In each chapter, you’ll find information on things to do in New York City, and more importantly, you’ll find information on the best way to get the job done. You’ll find advice on what clothes to wear when visiting New York City, and what to do to score the best DJ jobs around.
Music Nook is presented chronologically and begins by giving a brief history of the music industry in New York, and then exploring what it’s like to be a successful DJ in today’s market. It talks about the ups and downs of being a professional DJ in today’s market, before delving into some details about what you need to do to become one. Throughout the book, you’ll find helpful hints and tips about networking, booking gigs, record collecting and touring, mixing tunes, promoting your music, and much more. In the final chapter you’ll find a list of resources for further reading, and a helpful link to buy Music Nook on Amazon. It is well-designed and well written, and just about perfect for those who have a passion for music, and want to use their knowledge to earn a living working as a professional DJ.
Music 1922 is available for sale online from a variety of sources. It’s available for purchase as an e-book, a physical book, a CD, a DVD, an audio CD, and even online via a website. The online version has extra material that isn’t found in the printed version, including bonus chapters and reviews from industry insiders. If you enjoy reading and would prefer to know everything about how to become a professional DJ, this book could be a great fit for you.
The value of this book isn’t immediately clear, because there isn’t any information about who the author is or where the book comes from. However, it is clear that James Patterson is knowledgeable about music and knows his subject. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill DJ book, which is why Music 1922 is valuable to anyone with a passion for music and would like to understand the inner workings of the music business. It provides information that can benefit virtually anyone who wants to make it big as a DJ. If you’re someone who’s thought about getting into the music scene, this is definitely the book for you. It’s full of great information and could really get you headed in the right direction.
Music 1922 isn’t your run-of-the-mill DJ book, or something you’ll find at your local bookstore. This is an engaging, in-depth look at the business of making and recording music, complete with interviews with people who really do it. You can learn a lot by reading this book, and if you already know a little about the music industry, then you’ll find that you can gain an additional understanding of exactly how the game is played. This is information anyone interested in music should read, to expand their knowledge about how the music business works today.