A Brief History of Music Industry Changes
A Brief History of Music Industry Changes
New music is the expression of the creative cutting edge of classical music, and this makes it different from older music that is often “staged” in the classical repertoire. It’s a fresh expression that can’t be exactly duplicated in older music, yet it shares certain characteristics of the older music as well. For instance, there’s an emotional intensity to new music that makes it stand apart. Moreover, new music has a natural rhythm that cannot be imitated by old music that has been practiced for years.
As a matter of fact, the new wave actually represents the late 1980s music genre, which was born right after the “LP Music Movement” hit the scene. But just like all other music genres, the new wave broke many rules, both in the recording and listening arena. It also broke ground with many other music genres, such as the punk movement, new wave metal, and even the hip hop and rap music genres.
But the birth of the new wave is marked by three major breakouts. The first one was the punk movement. Back then, people were not really so into rock, pop, or jazz; they preferred new wave acts that were a bit edgy, a bit threatening, and even a bit rebellious. punk is associated most heavily with the image of the angry teenager wearing black t-shirts and jeans, wearing anti-social words on their lips, and generally acting angry. In fact, new wave acts capitalized on this image and took it to a whole new level.
The second new wave act to emerge was the early 1980s. There was something about the early 80s that made people feel comfortable about being politically incorrect, or about being gay, or even about doing drugs. And, of course, along with the new wave came new pop music. Britney Spears, Madonna, and the Spice Girls are just some of the early new pop acts that helped make the new wave movement happen.
The third new wave acts to emerge were the Talking Heads. Yes, the same group that gave us the song, “ience lounge.” The Talking Heads were a band from the mid-to late 1970s that helped make people feel comfortable with talking about things that in previous decades might have been taboo. In fact, in many ways, the Talking Heads marked a new level of open communication, where feelings and thoughts were not held back by anyone, especially not a woman.
The 1980s also witnessed a fourth major evolution in the music industry. During the decade, three different groups defined the new wave movement. First, there was the poppy group, the Beatles. Then, there was the band from New York, the New York Dolls. Finally, there was the grunge group, the legion of aficionados that would go on to be known as the “grunge generation.”